Custom Bikepacking Gear made by Merit

The Workshop

Standard Edition Bikepacking Line

Custom Frame Bag
Zipper colour 1 (Drive side zipper)
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Zipper colour 2 (Drive side zipper)
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Zipper colour 3 (Non drive side zipper)
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Popcorn Bag
Mini Popcorn Bag
Top Tube Bag
Extra mounting materials (Straps, Velcro, and Cord)
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Standard Edition Bikepacking Line
Product Details

In the spirit of making Bikepacking more accessible for people from all price ranges. We offer the "Standard Edition Bikepacking Line".

In summary, everything in the design of this entire range of bags has been optimized for production and manufacturability and only applied customisation to areas where it made most sense. This way we can offer products at a more competitive price for people who seek customisation where it matters the most.

We understand that some people may not want to fuzz with customizing their bags up to hundred different colour combinations and that's okay. With this range, We hope to provide incredible value for money whilst still providing our usual quality.

For this range of bags, we are using Ripstop Nylon in Olive green instead of our usual X-pac Fabric. This is done to safe on material cost and to streamline the cutting and sewing process. We still use our usual zippers by YKK,

The Standard Edition Bikepacking Line has been tested by friends of mine and me personally over the last months. These are the products that I, Mickey personally use for my own bikepacking trips.

Standard Edition Bikepacking Line consist of the following optional products:

- Custom Frame Bag:

  • Wall compartment with YKK Vislon 10 zippers
  • YKK Vislon 10 zippers (Molded teeth)
  • Replaceable velcro straps for attaching the bag to the frame.
  • Bi-layered walls of Olive green ripstop and Cordura red liner
  • Bi-layered cushioned spine of Cordura (Cordura 1000den and Cordura red liner)
  • Colour customisation of the angled zipper garages, 3 colours

- Top Tube Bag
- Popcorn Bags
- Mini Popcorn Bags
- Extra velcro straps